ESL Express

by ESL Express



ESL Express, Fast, Precise, Safe

ESL Express, merupakan aplikasi pengiriman paket dengan berbagai layanan, diantaranya :# Kirim Paket, untuk pengiriman paket reguler# Kirim Sepeda Motor, untuk pengiriman kendaraan bermotor (roda 2)# Trucking, untuk pengiriman dalam jumlah banyak dan besar# Logistik, untuk pengiriman barang tertentu dan membutuhkan penanganan khusus# Agen Terdekat, ga perlu khawatir, agen kami hadir di daerah Anda hingga pelosok negeri# Keanggotaan (coming soon), dapatkan berbagai keuntungan reward dengan menjadi member ESL Express.Kami senantiasa melayani negeri dengan sepenuh hati.Jika ada masukan kritik dan saran silahkan hubungi kami.http://esl-express.comESL Express, a parcel delivery applications with a wide range of services, including:# Send Package, for a regular package delivery# Send Motorcycles, for the delivery of motor vehicles (wheel 2)# Trucking, for delivery in large quantities and large# Logistics, for the delivery of certain goods and require special handling# Agent What, no need to worry, our agent is present in your area until the country# Membership (coming soon), get the benefits of reward by becoming a member of ESL.We always serve the country wholeheartedly.If you have feedback comments and suggestions please contact us.http://esl-express.comfix bug cek hargafix bug pilih type barangadd feature upadate in app

Read trusted reviews from application customers

This app broken

Brian Pratama


Ridho Tawakal

All features can't function properly.... can't calculate fares, can't locate nearest counter, no information regarding services, no contact number/emails... useless... uninstall at once!

Monika Marcia

Very bad app, gak niat

Muhammad Antonastoni

Nggak bisa dipakai. Asal asalan bikin apss. Banyak bug.

Lapak 4UMedia

Nothing works on this app, cant track, cant calculate cost

Rudi Siregar

Aplikasi cek tidak bisa digunakan

Dua Gajah


Hanif Aminudin

Doesn't work. Tried to check the shipping cost and it stucked at the shipment method form (economy, regular, speed)

Noro Ardanto

It doesn't work